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CONTEST OF THE JULY 9, 2005 CADDO ELECTION ARTICLE 1: This article is taken from the Caddo Nation Council Website at We, Christine Smith Noah, Mary Pat Clark, Marilyn Threlkeld, Anna Donaghey, LaCreda Weller Daugomah, LaVonna A. Weller and Tommy R. Kionute contest the July 9, 2005 Caddo Tribal Election because the Caddo Election Board, consisting of Teresa Keller, Margaret Francis rico and Dorothy Garrett did not adhere to the ELECTION ORDINANCE - THE CADDO TRIBE OF INDIANS OF OKALHOMA nor the CONSTITUTION AND BYLAWS OF THE CADDO INDIAN TRIBE OF OKLAHOMA aka CADDO NATION OF OKLAHOMA as prescribed in the aforementioned governing documents. Based on the irregularities and failure to follow these governing documents, we contest and challenge all positions: Chairperson, Treasurer, Oklahoma City Representative, Binger Representative and Hearing Board. 1) VIOLATION: Allowing LaRue Parker to run for Chairman. Ms. Parker, by her signature alone, signed a bank note, June 8, 2001, indebting the Caddo Tribe (copy enclosed). DOCUMENTATION: Violation of CONSTITUTION AND BYLAWS OF THE CADDO INDIAN TRIBE OF OKLAHOMA - ARTICLE IV - GOVERNING BODY - Sec 4. Qualification of Colorado real estate Candidates and Officers. All members of the Caddo Indian Tribe who will have reached the age of twenty-one (21) years or over by the date of the election shall be eligible to become candidates for election to membership on the Tribal Council except those persons convicted in a court of felony, within two (2) years immediately preceding the election or when in office or any Caddo member who is indebted delinquently to the Caddo Tribe in excess of two (2) years (excerpt enclosed). DOCUMENTATION: Violation of ARTICLE V - POWERS OF THE TRIBAL COUNCIL - Section 1. The following powers of the Tribal Council may be exercised subject to any restriction contained in Federal or State laws, and subhject to the approval of the membership. (e) To borrow money (excerpt enclosed). DOCUMENTATION: Violation of ELECTION ORDINANCE - SECTION 13. TYPES OF ELECTIONS - 13.A.(3) Qualifications of Candidates and Officers. All members of the Caddo Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma who will have reached the age of twenty-one (21) years of age or older by the date of the election shall be eligible to become candidates for election to membership on the Tribal Council, except those person convicted in court of a felony, within two (2) years immediately preceding the election or when in office, or any Caddo Member who is indebted delinquently to the Caddo Tribe in excess of two (2) years (excerpt enclosed). 2) VIOLATION: Brenda Shemamye Edwards was allowed to file and run for Binger District Representative. Her residence is Weatherford, Oklahoma. Weatherford, Oklahoma is not in the Binger District but int he Absentee status. DOCUMENTATION: Violation of CONSTITUTION AND BYLAWS - ARTICLE IV - Sec. 4. Qualification of Candidates and Officers - Candidates for a postion as District Representative must physically reside within the District they represent (excerpt enclosed). DOCUMENTATION: Violation of ELECTION ORDINANCE - 13.a.(3) Candidates for a position as forecloseres District Representatives must physically reside withing the District they represent (excerpt enclosed). 3) VIOLATION: The Official Notice of the Election presented by Teresa Keller, Margaret Francis Rico and Dorothy Garrett did not allow for the sixty (60) days notice before elections of officers 9 see copy of NOTICE posted in newspaper). DOCUMENTATION: ELECTION ORDINANCE - THE CADDO TRIBE OF INDIANS OF OKLAHOMA - SECTION 3. DEFINITIONS - ELECTION NOTICE - The official notice that an election will be held on a specific date issued by the election board at least sixty (60) days before elections of officers and at least sixty (60) days before elections on issue (excerpt enclosed). DOCUMENTATION: Copuies of postings by Teresa Keller, Margaret Francis Rico and Dorothy Garrett (copy enclosed). 4) VIOLATION: Teresa Keller, Margaret Francis Rico and Dorothy Garrett changed the Bisger District voting boundries, requiring all Gracement voters to vote in the Binger District for the July 9, 2005 Election (copy enclosed). This allowed voters to cast ballots for the postion of Binger Representative who are not legally registered to vote in the Binger District and for the Binger Representative. This required an ordinance change by the Tribal Council. There was not request to the Council for the changing of District Boundries. DOCUMENTATION: ELECTION ORDINANCE - THE CADDO TRIBE OF INDIANS OF OKLAHOMA - SECTION 15. AMENDMENTS - The Tribal Council may amend this ordiance by a majority vote of a quorum at any meeting of that body (excerpt enclosed). 5) VIOLATION: Teresa Keller, Margaret Francis Rico and Dorothy Garrett originally posed the Challenge Perof of Candidates to close on Friday, June 3, 2005 (copy enclosed), however, on Friday, June 3, 2005, they posted that the Challenge Period closed on Monday, June 6, 2005. Those wishing to file a challenge were not made aware of the Challenge Period closing of Monday, June 6, 2005. "Notice proved in the Anadarko Daily News wasw a date of June 30, 2005 as the last day to challenge candidate" (copy enclosed). DOCUMENTATION: ELECTION ORDINANCE - SECTION 13 - TYPES OF ELECTIONS - 13.a.(4) FILING FOR OFFICE - Any challenge as provided in Section 13.a.(6), shall be submitted to the election baord withing five (5) calendar working days following the close of the filing period (excerpt enclosed). 6) VIOLATION: Binger ballots were sent to the Fort Cobb District and Fort Cobb ballots were at the Binger Polling District. Early voters at the Binger Polling District were told to write in the names of those they were voting for. When the votes were counted, these ballots were not counted. The early voters at the Fort Cobb Polling Place were given an Absentee Ballot as a means of voting because they did not have a Colorado Fort Cobb Ballot to cast their vote. This is in direct violation of the Election Ordiance, Section 8 - Absentee Voting 8.f. DOCMENTATION: ELECTION ORDINANCE - ABSENTEE VOTING - 8.f. No absentee ballots will be received at any time or by means other than provided for in this section, which is by mail (excerpt enclosed). INSTRUCTIONS FOR ABSENTEE BALLOTING 11. Do not drop off your ballot in any of the four (4) district polling places. YOUR BALLOT MUST BE MAILED/POST MARKED IN ORDER TO BE COUNTED (excerpt enclosed). 7) VIOLATION: A notice was not given to all registered voters. All absentee voters did not receive notice of the election. Requests were made for an Absentee Ballot but it was never received (copy enclosed). DOCUMENTATION: ELECTION ORDINANCE - SECTION 8 - ABSENTEE VOTING - 8b - NOTIFICATION - Non Resident Absentee and Permanent Absentee voters shall be notifived by mail of the calling of elections, the issues and/or candidates to be voted on, and shall be advised of the proper manner of voting (excerpt enclosed). In addition, an additional hearing board members was added after the posting of candidates. (see enclosed). p>

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