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1 Suggestions of Items to be Discussed * The chairman and former council, signed a 400 page contract with the attorney Rick Moore. Look at their site. . Indigenous Nations Federal Charter Association More info later. * Chairman obligates us in a financial situation that is against the Constitution. Her purchase of the Higher ED.building without going to the Membership is a violation of the Constitution. * Tax commission workshop to change the constitution is off limits to Caddo members. Check out the Sunshine Law and better bone up on tribal sovereignty. * Recall: Can you put petition on web,we down load ,we sign ,we notarize, we send? Just as simple and legal as the way we vote absentee. Could we have a special secure box at a post office to send our signed petition's to? This will have to be checked out for legality. We do not need to do anything that will allow this recall to be tossed as the others have. * But I think the issue at hand is regime change. Problems- 1. The buying of property without authorization form the membership 2. The misappropriation of funds (elders fund). 3. The loss of our housing program. 4. The decline in money for our college students. 5. The unfair hiring and firing practices. 6. The use of tribal funds for political reasons (the letter). 7. Creating an unsafe environment at tribal meetings. * It seems that we need to remain focused on the issues, and as far as I can tell from comments, the issues that should be addressed are: 1. The election of 2003, and the election board,with the removal of some of the election boards members. 2. Casino -legal or illegal : do we as members want the casino if the machines are illegal, and will the council remove them if they are . 3. Economic development: where is the committee in all this? What do they have to say about the casino and the Eakly project. * HUD-Why the loss of our housing authority? What went wrong? * Where is our Economic Development? Why have we not come up with something that will not only be legal but will employ many more Caddo people. * Where is our smoke shop? --$20.000? * Look at the audit by the BIA going on right now at our Caddo complex. They are looking at our Fed. 638 Funds. * Where did all the money come from to pave around the complex? Did our Education Department suffer because of this? * Where is our Oil and Gas and Motor Fuel money going? We're spending the heck out of the Oil & Gas and Motor Fuel money. I understand it is not going to benefit, our young or our old, education or otherwise. * Higher Ed. Funds Why cut? We need educated Caddos. * How many of our programs budgets have been borrowed from and by whom? * Enrollment? In compliance with the Federal Laws? We have not approved our Enrollment Ordinances yet. * What happened to our Caddo language lessons and making videos of the Caddo speaking elders? * Could someone please bring up the issue of establishing another representative or maybe 2 (if needed to keep an odd number on the council) to represent "members at large" * NAGPRA, * Please let the Caddo people know who is on the following Boards and where they live: Economic Development Board, Gaming Commission Board, Housing Board, Tax Commission Board, Hearing Board, Election Board, Museum Board. Also any other boards that the Caddo Tribe may have. * Please explain if you understand that the four year term is applicable to all council members, or those voted in office after July 2002 amendments. * I have reservations with Article VIII - Filling of Vacancies - Section 2. - Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer or District Council Representatives. states "If a vacancy occurs in the office of Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer or District Council Representative, the vacancy will be filled by the Tribal council, within sixty (60) days. They are Representatives of their Districts, don't see anything in this Amendment that says the Council will appoint a Representative from that District. * Maybe a step to take is to go from one program to the next and get reports from each director on funds, employees, the whole program. Talk to these employees, see where they started in the Caddo Tribe and what got them where they are today. I realize that is a lot of work, but it sounds like there is a lot of wrong that has to be turned around to make it right. * There has to be a way to get this information out to many more Caddo people. I don't mean just this stuff that is going on right now. I do mean those decisions made by the council that affects them. Need to do some thinking so see how this can be accomplished. 2 Terms of Office of Tribal Council and Chairwoman * At Feb. 8 meeting, the 2003 Election was discussed and it was the consensus that the Council elected in 2001 would have to run for office again in 2003. * The recall petitions are coming. Am really not sure all the Council know what this person is doing or what she has done. She is very good at it. But I do believe she will be coming down. * I'll say "the amendments are effective at" is the key phrase. The council wasn't thinking too clearly. Still, I am sure they will do every thing they can not to have one, but we will see that they do. We will have an election! * The Amendment says "The four (4) year terms of office will become effective at the July 2002 Caddo Election. Is that so hard to comprehend? * Are the amendments effective prior to the candidates filing date? * How could any one who filed for office is 2001 possible know if the membership would vote and approve an amendment which took place in 2002? * Some Council members assume since the Constitution has been amended they will automatically be in their office for a four (4) year term. * The Amendment to ARTICLE IV - governing body - Section 3 - Terms of Office states "The term of office of a member of the Tribal Council shall be for a period of four (4) years or until a successor is duly elected and installed in office. The four (4) year terms of office will become effective at the July 2002 Caddo Election. Thereafter, all terms will be four (4) years. * If those who ran under the old or former Constitution in the 2001 Election were inclusive in the four (4) year terms then the new Amendment to Article II - Tribal Membership - Section 3.(a), would automatically make all persons of at least one-sixteenth (1/16) degree Caddo Nation Blood an enrolled member of the Caddo Nation. * Those who were elected under the old constitution, should have to seek election under the new amendments. When we voted in July of 2001- we only voted for the people for a two year term. We did not voted them in for a four year period. * Would have to agree with you, the Amendments were not in effect with either the 2001 or 2002 election. And as Jarvis says, this will stagger the Council as is almost necessary, to always have Council members seated. * Give me a set of dates, the dates of filing , the date the tribe was supplied the final amendments to be voted on, the date of both elections, and the date the final secretarial election results were signed off on by Terry Bruner, the decision maker, regional office, Anadarko,405 247 6673. Ask this man he knows. * And your requested dates; Again-memory - April/May 2001 Filing for office. After July 2001 election. April-May 2002 Filing for office Secretarial election June 29, 2002 . July 6, 2002 general election. Amendment resolution for the BIA to hold and conduct such-sometime in between. Approval of amendments-after the 2002 election, those running I am for the 2002- knew there was a slight possibility of a four year term. Checking my facts, however- * It may be that we can call upon Mr.Bruner to simply clarify and lend the tech. support by interpreting the law and these coinciding acts, that his office is required to render, possible? If we have a finding regarding just that, from his office then, the technical side of this question could go to cfr, no? * I think, our big problem is that LaRue Martin Parker is going to say that she is able to run again. She is going to say her second election ,was not a real election. I say yes it was, the fact that the court found that another Caddo's rights had been usurped during that election and that she was personally and intricately involved does not alter the fact that she had an election in which she ran and won, was sworn in and did operate as chairman for a space of time. What does the Constitution say? 3 Casino * We are entering the latter part of our PHASE I of the agreement with the party who helped start our Casino. Found out we are not staying open 24 hours, except on weekends. Weekdays, I think, the hours are from 2 p.m. to 2 a.m., not sure, but it is not 24 hours. Cut back on hours for the workers to 30 hours a week, I think. Also heard we were breaking even or right at that. * Everybody knows that the laws are complex surrounding the specific machines, and so on. But you are still left with what have we really done here. Is that sort of thing what we want to be known by? It is not my choice! * The tribe must be honest in home life and in business. Is a business good that can't work and make a profit without being run against the law? * Did no one catch that your Chairman Parker openly and unabashedly admitted..., "That we do have Class 3 gaming machines in the casino and have had from the beginning" ? * Is this a wise thing that was done here, to open the casino in open defiance of the NIGC, and to not quite make it clear to your council if they were voting for class 2 or class 3 machines? * I think we need to get those illegal machines out of the casino and not risk fines. What message are we sending in regard to Caddo respect for the laws of the land? * Do we have to have a petition to tell the council to take the class 3 machines out? Can the members do that without the NIGC? * Are our Casino machines class 3 or class 2? Do we have a gaming compact with the state of OK.? * See See all "Notice of Violations, Closure Orders, Civil Fine Assessments and Settlement Agreements In Lieu of Enforcement Actions" for the past 4 years at the above address. Or go to look under resources and select Enforcement Actions from the dropdown list. * I would encourage everyone to go to the NIGC website at and study it in its entirety. There is a lot of information there including all the regulations, the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act, Enforcement policies, and all enforcement actions taken against tribes for the past 4 years, just to name a few. * The NIGC is not enforcing things right now. Its OK for us to have illegal machines, knowingly. However NO citations or formal warnings have been given to the tribe concerning these machines. Furthermore no fines will be levied if a warning or citation is issued, unless the facility fails to comply with the terms of the warning or citation. Currently, same machines are in place in many other gaming facilities around the state. * I have visited our casino. I have visited the Delaware's casino and the Comanches and the C&As and the Iowas and the Creeks and so on and so on. All of these casinos operate basically the same and all of the casinos have basically the same machines. I don't hear of any of those gaming facilities being shut down, and in order for the NIGC to shut us down they would have to shut everyone else down also. I don't think that will happen, maybe it will, but then EVERY tribe with a casino that I've been to would be in the same pickle. 4 Tribal Police Force * If a law enforcement officer knowingly works for an operation that they know to be operating illegally, they can run into trouble with the regulatory entities under which they work and to which they must answer. * You stated that the police only answers to the chairman. (let it be understood to you that the police does not answer to the chairman, the chairman is not their boss or supervisor and the chairman does not tell them what to do or gives them orders). * The police who currently work for us are in a pickle! What I am wondering is, has the chairman also put our Caddo police and security in jeopardy as well as the employees at the casino all to have her illegal machines? * ---unfounded name calling, questions of ethics, and support letters..... 5 Tribal Employees * Why do some, Caddo or not, get advantages like using tribal equipment, loans, employment, appointments to committees, or the election board, or get their houses fixed, get put on programs and other Caddos are kept out of the process, fired, kicked off programs? * It is annoying to be told I can't do this or that because of the chairman's politics. If our chairman can't even work with our members on a level that allows us to do our job then it may be that they are right and she is not. * Fifteen dollars for a Chairman's salary isn't bad for someone (don't believe she has a degree, says she does but think that's being checked out) * Let's hire a CADDO who can create/maintain a website. We need an interactive Official Website. * Establish a Caddo-preferred hiring policy (could include spouses and/or parents of Caddos), with Indian-preferred next, and all others last. * Seek to fill positions with individuals who are not related to the council whenever possible. * Chapter IV - RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION - SECTION III - PERSONS INELIGIBLE (1) states" Near relatives (husband, wife, father, mother, brother, son, daughter and in-laws of the same) of the Caddo Tribal Council, Tribal Chairman and any program directors or managers are not eligible for employment. (3) states "When conditions warrant, a waiver maybe issued at the discretion of the Tribal Council to forego items 1 and 2". LaRue Parker's son Gary Parker was hired as a Firefighter paid out of EPA funds. * I would like to ask our Chairman or Elnita Chupp, our Business Manager, I think, if they or she could let the Caddo people know who is on the following Boards and where they live: Economic Development Board, Gaming Commission Board, Housing Board, Tax Commission Board, Hearing Board, Election Board, Museum Board, also any other boards that the Caddo Tribe may have. * Would also like to know how many employees the Caddo Tribe employs, what position and what are their specific duties? * We have employed so many unqualified people at the tribe they now constitute a gang who attack anyone who dares show up with an education. For example, historic preservation office. * Even though they live out of state, I say, "Yes, we can." (use educated Caddos) Please send your resume to the tribe - we need all the talents of our diverse tribe - each person adds their own special uniqueness to the whole and makes it better. Maybe your idea or talent may be just the thing to lift us to new heights! * Thank God for the Motor Fuel money and the Oil and Gas money but it seems to be going for salaries rather than going for Education, Elderly Program, etc. * Exactly where were you when she was elected chairman and began by firing people. The very day she was sworn into office . The only reason the employees are afraid they will lose their jobs- is because half of them don't do a thing---go out there and you will eventually see-- watching movies, getting paid for nothing. Someone just needs to look at the workloads. * People on your site seem to be willing to fire them all. What then? What about the people who are doing a good job for the tribe and not for any individual or "side"? Is it any less corrupt for people to say they are going to run for office so that they can do the exact same thing you have accused Ms. Parker of doing? If Ms. Parker did do these things (which I am no longer totally discounting) can you with a clean conscience (sp) vote for someone who has already stated they would do the same thing? * I don't think people on this site are willing to fire them all. In fact, if the employees are doing what is best for the Caddo Tribe the people on this site would back them all the way. There are people that work for the Caddo Tribe that are doing their job and good job at that. But they also come up against happenings in our tribe that they know is not in the best interest of the Caddo Tribe. 6 Membership Meeting of Jan. 18, 2002 * I'm not sure but believe a lot of the stuff she put in her 1/18/03 letter was started or done before she got there. * Went to the meeting. What an absolute waste of time. The whole meeting, like others was set up to attack Anahwake and her first amendment rights. * I think, that non-tribal members should leave --- unless they have minor children who are Caddo or are the Spouse of a Caddo. * Award-winning Caddo Firefighters, and when they all came in and kept coming in and kept coming in --- well it was very impressive! To think that all those fine young people are proudly wearing the title of CADDO firefighters and earning commendation after commendation for doing a great job --- nationwide --- well, it certainly made me proud! 7 Accomplishments/Questionable Practices of Chairwoman LaRue Parker and letter of 1/18/03 * When the report is issued, chairman has said that the exit findings of HUD will not be given to the council. This is not going to happen. All Caddos have the right to see these findings and the Caddo council absolutely must see the findings. Ask yourself why the chairman might not want ANYONE to see these findings. * Her credibility has been breached by her own actions. She should resign. * I have heard that since Ms. Parker has taken office as Chairman, along with at least some of the other Council, we have had trouble in most programs. Money has been spent with abandon and she or they listen to no one. * If she had not employed her son wrongly in the first place, the firefighters would never have been mentioned. We do not want the firefighters dragged into this situation for any reason, certainly not to save Parker son's job, nor beef up chairman Parker's show of power. That was a shameless act on both son and mother. There is very little to do about it now and some of the firefighters will still not believe that that was what happened , but the membership knows .What we can do is keep in mind that this is a clear picture of how ms. Parker works * We should question the CO-mingling of 638 money. * Firing of Employees for personal and or political gain. Harassing of members * The Roads/Transportation is 638 money, and up until now, the funds were utilized to help with roads, bridges that were used by tribal members. * The Head Start program has had two centers before this leadership, and the co-ops were already in place, not all of them but certainly one, and is nothing new a created since 1999. * The Cultural /Museum was done under the leadership of a former chairman, and certainly was done before 1999. * The only thing that has changed is the bison, and goat projects. The letter also made reference to former administrations not taking chances. Does this leader forget that she has been on the council for many years now and has been a very part of the administration that she says didn't do anything or take chances? * As for the Oil and gas money- this was started before her term as chair- the money just wasn't rolling in yet. So, please tell me where is the money? Why has the smoke shop closed?Also, the police was in the works with the former chair. * Ms. Parker addresses programs and grant income and expenditures is growing and our new Financial Operating Manual including explicit and in-depth procurement processes requiring more documentation and that we can now print out budgets and expenditure reports and insure the tracing of monies. We should have been tracing or tracking those monies all along. * You do not take care of a business (and we are a business) without keeping track of the income and expenditures, constantly. There is NO excuse for any question about where money is or where it was spent, who did it or what it was spent on and ANY commingling of funds, using funds from another department to meet needs in another program or to pay salaries. * The thing that is really bad about this is that she "trumps up" the reasons to fire people. That means that she must give the council some reason why the person must be fired. That usually necessitates an untruth to be given to the council. * ----Personal stories of harassment of tribal members, employees, and council members by the current chairman. 8 Following the Constitution * Get ourselves educated about the constitution writing process. Let's be careful and not be hasty as apparently the last 4 amendments that were ramroded through.There's a very valuable group that meets at Harvard discussing rewriting tribal constitutions or helping others rewrite theirs. * Why is the tax commission in charge of "rewriting the constitution".. The constitution should not be changed to suit them. * I believe the changes should be left up to the CADDO MEMBERSHIP.Have the meetings to change the constitution in the evenings, or on Saturdays, and have all area representatives (Anadarko, Binger, Fort Cobb and OKC) attend. They (the representatives) could take information back to their area membership meeting, and inform the area members as to what is being discussed. DO NOT VOTE! on any changes being discussed until the area representatives have discussed changes with the CADDO MEMBERSHIP. * Taking on our responsibility as a Caddo member in the year 2003 demands that we know our constitution. * Could someone please bring up the issue of establishing another representative or maybe 2 (if needed to keep an odd number on the council) to represent "members at large" -- in other words those of us who live outside of Anadarko, Binger, OKC and the other established areas of representation? Maybe one rep for In-state at large, and another for out of state at large. * Someone asked about having a Representative for people who don't live nearby -- check out our Constitution and you will see that it does allow more Reps. Right now we are discussing setting boundaries for our districts - to be more in line with the purpose of our Constitution for equal representation. * Ask them why we are having to pay taxes on the property THEY bought, WITHOUT YOUR APPROVAL. The Constitution says it must be taken before the tribal membership before they buy property. * Those who were elected under the old constitution, should have to seek election under the new amendments. When we voted in July of 2001- we only voted for the people for a two year term. We did not voted them in for a four year period. * Let's educate ourselves on these issues before we start jumping to conclusions. If you feel you aren't being dealt with honestly then take it upon yourself to get the facts. 9 Caddo Membership list, Lack of communication, Voting Problems * Isn't there some sort of mailing list that everyone is supposed to be on? I have rec'd 3 (three) items of correspondence from the tribe in my entire 47 years. I haven't moved in the last 28 years, but they never seem to be able to get anything to me. My mother, on the other hand, receives something in the mail very frequently. * Our newsletter/newspaper that comes out every once in awhile and is mailed to some this time and others next time. * We need ballots that are obtainable in a timely fashion. * Why is it that we have less than 1% of our population voting? * I'll tell you one reason many people don't vote: our inability to get absentee ballots. There are many, many Caddo who live outside OK and we need to vote by absentee ballot. We can send in requests for absentee ballots and sometimes we get them, most of the time we either don't get them at all, or we get them too late to return them. I have had several experiences where my ballot was "lost" either my request or my vote just disappeared. * I, with my own eyes saw you and your daughter,open up the vote envelopes of over 158 Caddos, and then you stapled the vote ballot to the voters name sheet, this action rendered the secrecy of a persons vote NULL AND VOID, THAT IS AGAINST THE CONSTITUTION AND THE ELECTION ORDINANCES AND EVERYTHING CADDO. I saw you do it. You were questioned on it on the spot and as I recall they made you stop it, but that did not correct the first error, nor did it clean up the dirty fact that you would do it in the first place, * Maybe we need to hold another Secretarial Election to either get rid of the new Amendments or add some Amendments, especially since I heard that over 800 letters sent to Tribal members came back. It appears our enrollment is not current. I understand that a member has to send in their new addresses, I know this has happened yet letters were mailed to old addresses and mail and ballots have been sent to deceased Caddo Members. 10 THECADDO.COM-Purpose and support of website * If any one, and I mean any one, has an inclination to want to run for office, please think about the following. This site will run your statements, exactly as you present them, that's a promise. If you have statements, a logo, or a platform to present, write it out and we will make sure it is printed. July is going to be on us sooner than you can say," rigged election". * If it is offered I am told that I should accept, and so I will with truly great and heartfelt appreciation. All contributions will be accounted for in a public way (unless the contributor wishes otherwise.) Send contributions to THECADDO.COM web work project, Rt.#1, box 310aa, Gracemont,OK. 73042 * Anahwake and whoever else is working this site, you are wonderful. You're doing a great service and allowing those of us with a few brain cells that haven't died of loneliness to learn of some things we would never otherwise be aware of. * I can't believe what an issue this website is, even if you don't like the message, at least it's something more than we've had and a "tool" for gathering information - you don't have to believe everything here (don't you know that?) * Very good! It is a good time to be neutral right now and let people use what you have provided for us. I think we should all donate a few $ and help keep it going. I believe it could be very productive for our members. Good Job! * You are so dead set on attacking LaRue that you will do anything to make it worse for her. When all you are doing is making it worse on everyone. * Let the council do their jobs! Let our employees do their jobs! Quit hassling everyone! 11 Fear of speaking out against council * I'm afraid of telling you who I am. I don't live here but that doesn't mean I am not angry at these elected officials. * We have heard what you and your hired hands have done to the other Caddo members who have spoken out. We want no part of your abuse. * What's wrong with any one of us asking any type of question whenever we want without being "labeled" a trouble maker or "trashing" the tribe? The council should expect "Concerned Caddo's" and be ready to answer questions, take suggestions, and listen to what people need and/or want. * The question was posed in the letter "tell me how to deal with these people". Deal with them like any mature adult, elected to a public office, should "deal" with "them", in a professional and respectable manner. Try listening, and working towards goals, know what your duties and obligations are, first and foremost. * I can say with a happy heart, I am so glad this is all coming out. I am certain there will be those who find this all pretty incredible but the truth is emerging. 12 HUD * The housing problem is a mess that occurred entirely under the block grant that was established under this administration, 1999 to 2001. It basically is a matter of funds (486.000 and more) and how they were used. * We do not have a housing authority. We have been cut from all previous funds. We have a debt to pay to HUD. * HUD sent their Inspector General to investigate. They are completing their exit draft at the Fort Worth arm of the Inspector General's office now. * Do we really have a housing authority board still when we have no housing authority ? * The chairman has said that the exit findings will not be given to the council. * Ask what actually happened to our Housing? Don't just blame the Gracemont Housing Authority. There is a letter from HUD showing approximately 18 violations. * I do have a problem when we have no Housing Program and in hearing Mary Lou Davis say "I am a member of that Board. What Board? We have no Housing Program. * The Housing Program under Ms. Cozad was one example of that. Have you seen the 2/7/2002 letter to Ms. Parker from Calvin Moser, HUD, 16 pages long, Finding No. 18 - Missing Program Participant Files - 4 Caddo people whose houses have been worked on, all either friends, supporters, or family of the Chairman. There has always been some of this going on but never to the point of dictatorship. 13 Election Board and Ordinances * Should we have members who are related to the Tribal Council? * Qualification of Election Board Members states "All members of the Election Board must be registered voters of the Caddo Indian Tribe of Oklahoma" etc.---goes on to say in the last sentence "Further, no member of the Election Board shall be a brother, sister, parent or child by direct blood to any candidate." * Laura Sue is right about our Election Ordinance saying that about the kinship of election board members and candidates. So far this year, we do not have any candidates for office and I certainly do not intend to run again since I have been elected to serve for four years as Fort Cobb Representative. * She did not agree with putting Margie back on the election board because of the problems she had caused in the past two elections. There was a problem with misspelt names. Margie did the typing of the names to be taken to the printing office for the ballots to be printed. Opening of absentee ballots and attaching affidavit forms, with names to the ballot (not a secret vote) (vote null and void). It was also Ms. Hinse, Secretary of the Tribe, at that time, in a Recall Petition to remove the Chairman that disallowed four petitions because she put "in writing, along with this persons social security number, that the Caddo member who carried the petition was not on the Caddo roll. This was mailed to Tribal members and posted on the front door of the complex for all to see. Ms. Hinse is well aware of the problems caused by Ms. Rico in the last two elections. 14 Elder Funds and Education Funds * I do have a problem when our Education program has cut money to students from $1175 to $800. * Our people only get $800 a semester. And then they won't even pay for graduate school. * I am told the AOA program needs a new van for our tribal elders- which the elders deserve, and that our educational students receive only $800.00 per semester, * Ann Donaghy, Anadarko District Rep., brought forward a motion to give the Caddo elders an annuity payment from the elder fund set out for them in 1982. This fund was originated by a previous administration in which Mrs. Donaghy was Vice Chair and she was one of the authors of this fund. * Chairwoman, Larue Parker, was in opposition to this annuity going out to the elders. There is quite a history on this money. The chairman took the money in 1999 and has been using it to cover OTHER expenses. * This money could be spent more wisely I think, to me that would include in the Education and Elderly Programs. Don't mean just formal education, we have Caddos who would like to be trained in vocational areas, be able to walk out of a program and be licensed to be a Plumber, Electrician Mechanic, etc. 15 Economic Development * Consider building a manufacturer's outlet mall. Granted, this takes some bankrolling, but I am sure we can find investors. * I understand we have an Economic Development Committee. Why have we not come up with something that will not only be legal but will employ many more Caddo people? * What will it take to get real economic development (not being casinos) brought to the tribe that all of us can benefit from, jobs first, money second? * I like the Laundromat. An outlet mall. * Do not believe a larger casino with hotel accommodations, convention center, golf course, restaurant and much more could be built on the 10 acres near Anadarko, that is stretching it a bit, have played on some golf courses, without all the other stuff it takes up a lot of ground. * But tell me, where is the real Economic Development? Three years in office and all she has, on her own, accomplished is Goats, Buffalo and possibly illegal gaming (Casino) Come on!!! 16 Tax Commission * The Tax Commission is VERY soon having a workshop on rewriting the Caddo Constitution with "their" attorney (an old school chum of Shannon Freeman's). They told the council last month that he was offering his services pro bono(free of charge).At the Jan.18th membership meeting they said that he was charging the tribe between $750.00 and $1000.00 to do the workshop. Excuse me, but what happened to MR. PRO BONO? * Posted on the official Caddo site: Because the Caddo Nation is charged for each attendee at the constitution workshop, it is an instructional workshop for Tribal Council members only.There will be other workshops in the future open to all Caddo members. * Why is the tax commission in charge of this? The constitution should not be changed to suit them. * The Tax commission has stated that they do not report to any one. They only speak to the council when they choose. The council only has the OKC rep. as a go between and she is Ms. Freeman's Mother . * Notice of taxation on your trust properties and lease income, * Numerous secretarial elections to amend your constitution. 17 BIA Audit * 100% audit by the BIA going on right now at our Caddo complex. They are looking at our Fed. 638 Funds. 18 Enrollment ordinances * We have not approved our Enrollment ordinances yet. How can a community function without the ordinances been approved?

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